Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Last Day

Today is my last day of work for the summer!!! Jolene took me out to lunch today since it's my last day, and it was quite fun. We went to Acapulco's and I had me some nice tacos! Other than that, not a lot going on. I did make my first strip of my webcomic, and I'm working on my second strip right now. It's located in my blog links to the right, over there >>>.

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Cousin George Washington

Ok, funny times in the office right now!!!! My cousin put the mop thinger on her head while I drew a makeshift American Flag. And then I took a picture of her standing in front of our "flag", looking like George Washington, female version........hehehehe, if only I could upload the pictures right now, I'll have to do that when I get home! lol Pictures will be coming later!

Patrick is home!

Hello everybody! I'm back from my foray into the Kentucky abyss known as Patrick land. lol I had lots of fun! We watched The Dark Knight finally (good, but was getting kinda long), then we ate some sushi, and then we watched The Bucket List at his house on Blu-Ray. And he gave me a t-shirt that says "I <3 My Geek." =) I almost didn't want to leave..... Q_Q and I got pulled over for speeding on the way home. Kinda scary, especially since it was my first time, but he let me off with a warning. Definately driving a bit slower from now on, I just wanted to get home to be able to sleep some before I came into work today. Oh well, it's not like it doesn't happen to everyone, right? Oh, and Patrick liked the project that I made for him!

So yea, I've been watching lots of Scrubs lately. Almost done with the entire series! I'll post later if I can think of anything to say to my loyal reader (AKA me)!

Currently listening to: country on XM radio

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Patrick Comes Home!!!

Patrick comes home tomorrow!!!! yay! The only bad things that my car is still going to be in the shop until SOMETIME tomorrow......and I dunno when I'm gonna get it back, and I need to go meet him at the airport, and now I'm all freaking out because I'm NOT a last minute type of person!!!!!! ARrGGGH!!! Q_Q

Friday, August 8, 2008


Ok, I've been wanting to create a webcomic for a long time now, since I've been reading SOO many of them. Well, yesterday I finally came up with a theme and I've decided to run with it. I'm calling it "O'Connor 337: A Beat Off of 1337". See, my boyfriend and all my friends are rooming together this year in O'Connor room 337. There are 8 of them. And their antics are a perfect muse for a comic! I've already got about 10 ideas for some strips; all I have to do now is wait for my graphics tablet to come in the mail (I bought one today off of Amazon to help me in the illustration department.) I just hope these guys won't get offended. lol I doubt it. I already told my boyfriend about it and he thinks they won't mind, so it should be all good.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens

Well, I'm back from my second vacation of the summer: NYC to see the Yankees play. It was fun, aside from the fact that my parents and aunt and uncle didn't want to do much but ride buses. I did however manage to go to all but one of the borroughs of NYC, so that is pretty cool. That and I went into the Empire State Building!1!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dum Dum Dum

Hello all! Last week was vacation week, so I didn't work much, but still worked some. I don't have internet at home right now because some trees need to die first. But I did get my hair highlighted and lowlighted, and I upgraded my iTunes and iPod software so I can get the App Store!!!!!!! So yea, I have some cool new apps for my touch, including Pandora Radio! w00t! I did this by bringing my laptop down to the office so that I could leech their internetz.....:P oh well, they pay for our home interwebz anyway.

Well, that's all for now, I'm kinda bored and wanting some root beer. Yes I said I wanted a soft drink......what is this world coming to?

Currently listening to: more stupid country songs on XM radio.... X(